A few months ago I had the opportunity to receive some early first production samples of the new Shimano Sephia Clinch Jet Boost to fish with on some of the local shallow weedbed grounds close to our home in Jervis Bay, NSW. These new jigs are designed for long distance casting with the aid of “Jet Boost” a weight transfer system that shifts the weight to the tail end of the jig on the cast. By shifting the weight to the “tail” end of the jig, it will cast further and more accurately everytime. The weight is also made of tin rather than lead to allow the jig to sink slower for better presentation in shallow water or more hang time to entice wary squid. It also features “Flash Boost” , a system where a mirror is suspended inside the jig on springs, bringing the lure to life with the slightest movement causing the mirror to vibrate causing flashing.
Before I even had the chance to fish with these jigs, I had to shoot them for my own, this is one of the first images, plenty more to come later. If I didn’t I’d suspect that there would be a pretty good chance of loosing them to weed, rocks or a large squid or cuttlefish.
Camera/lens – Nikon Z9 and NIKKOR PC-E Micro Nikkor 85mm f2.8D with FTZ II adapter.
Lighting – Godox AD600Pro with 50cm Beauty Dish x 2, Godox Ad300Pro with AD-R14, Godox Ad300Pro with BD-10/Red Gels and Godox XPro II N